Own your
business and
change your life
by helping companies build a prosperous future.
Our team at SONNE is composed by experts in eight work fronts: strategy, management, marketing, design, knowledge, innovation, journey and experience. Among them, the most vital for any company is strategy, which aligned with the other fundamental pillars of the ABOVE ALL© concept, brings prosperous results.
We have developed an exclusive methodology so that our Independent Consultants can manage all their projects through a single software, MACHEN, following all the steps for a successful strategic planning.

We act in an agile and systemic way by means of a proprietary concept and methodology called ABOVE ALL©, graphically demonstrated on the side. This allows our customers to centralize their decisions for all strategic fronts in a single trusted contract, without any conflict of interest.
Please enter your details so that we can analyze your profile and experiences.
If your profile is approved, you will receive information about the next steps and about your training.
After your approval as a SONNE Independent Consultant, you will be closely guided by our team and, after completing your training, you will receive prospects for your consultancy directly from our sales team.

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myths, truths, and paradigms about your company or your industry.
clear strategic moves and anticipate the future.
non-linear theses regarding the past and the present.
future scenarios and apply judgment amidst the uncertainty and intrinsic complexity of any strategic planning.
independently and without conflicts of interest.
reflections in a systemic, extrapolated, and unbiased approach.
In this SONNE training course for Independent Consultants, you will learn all the concepts, methodologies and tools necessary to perform strategic planning consultancy for clients of any size and industry, based on the proprietary ABOVE ALL© concept created by SONNE’s CEO, Max Bavaresco.
During your studies, you will receive exclusive content and will be able to develop your technical and behavioral skills focused on a strategic work of excellence. At the end of this course, you will be able to actively take part in the entire advisory and executive process of each of your clients’ projects, working collaboratively and fostering the sustainability of an ecosystem in constant evolution.
Be part of our exclusive group of Independent Consultants and encourage your clients to leave their comfort zone and enter a zone of transformation, achieving amazing numbers!
Live and recorded classes with exclusive content, learning activities, discussion forums, case studies, and exclusive mentoring with Maximiliano Bavaresco, CEO of SONNE.
In this module, you will learn about the ABOVE ALL concept and our methodology, get to know the main tools used by Independent Consultants, and receive all the information you need to start your studies.
In this module, you will learn how to prepare for the kick-off meeting, do research, gather and analyze information for the kick-off meeting, and learn in detail about the entire ABOVE ALL© concept to fulfill every step of executing the methodology successfully.
The contents covered are directly related to the sequence of client meetings and involve discussions about Industry and Trends, Competitors, Company diagnostics, and the Five structures.
In this module, you will learn how to build and analyze a SWOT, support the client in reflecting on the company’s vocation, history and legacy, its assets, business model, value proposition, market positioning, brand identity, and its archetypes. You will also be able to review the SWOT, strategic guidelines, and prepare the first version of the company’s strategic statement.
In this module, a final review of the content covered throughout the course and other activities will take place.
Approval in the course will require 80% of mastery on the use of the content and completion of 100% of activities.
How does the training for SONNE Independent Consultants work?
The training is carried out through a platform and is organized in modules, with live and recorded classes.
In addition to the initial online TRAINING, the LICENSOR may, at its discretion, promote new recycling and development modules (DEVELOPMENT) in the online format and on dates to be defined in advance and communicated by the LICENSOR at least 15 days prior to the training. No face-to-face training is planned at this time.
How can the SONNE Independent Consultant use the SONNE brand?
The Independent Consultant must use the SONNE brand only in situations related to the licensing with prospects and customers, but never on tax documents, corporate names in contracts and other documents that are not part of the marketing repertoire specified in the licensing agreement.
Independent Consultants are strictly forbidden to use the SONNE Trademark or logo in their company name, trade name, invoices, invoices, tax forms or other documents of any kind or nature, and must only include the Independent Consultant’s business information.
How can the Independent Consultant make use of the SONNE brand to promote its services?
The use of the SONNE brand by the Independent Consultant in posts and advertisements on social networks, online and offline media such as, email marketing, printed material, invitations, brochures, flyers, circular letters, direct mail or in any materials not provided or developed by SONNE, including for local advertising, will depend on the prior and express approval and authorization from SONNE.
To encourage the work of Independent Consultants, SONNE will make its own investments in media through the best market practices in order to attract interested parties – consulting prospects for Independent Consultants. These initiatives, campaigns, events, and so on, will be exclusive for the Independent Consultants.
The Independent Consultant may present content of his own authorship, and/or participate in contents, sharing with the LICENSEE the authorship?
Yes, the Independent Consultant may submit content of his or her own authorship that does not compete with SONNE’s assets and without SONNE’s seal.
In the case of concepts, methodologies, business tools, brands, and so on, the SONNE concepts should be followed with the application of the expertise and judgment of each Independent Consultant with their clients. Co-authored content is not foreseen in this contract, and shall be subject to review on a case-by-case basis.
What are the benefits of being part of the SONNE ecosystem as an Independent Consultant?
As a way to optimize the LICENSEE’s results, the quality, productivity and efficiency of the services provided by the Independent Consultant based on the SYSTEM and through the PLATFORM, the LICENSEE will offer an ecosystem of software, SaaS platforms and technology solutions engendered to the SYSTEM for SONNE’s administration, for managing operations, market intelligence, customer attraction, development evaluation, assessments, online services, file and data storage, communication, relationships, among others, being the Independent Consultant aware and in agreement that the products and services of its current suppliers may be changed at any time at the sole discretion of LICENSEE, and that any and all expenses arising from this technological structure are the responsibility of LICENSEE.
The LICENSEE will manage and monitor the quality through the Net Promoter Score – NPS system, which will be measured by the Independent Consultant’s CLIENTS, who will evaluate the SONNE INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS’ SERVICES in order to ensure the maintenance of awareness, positive reputation and recognition (brand awareness) at the same levels as those obtained by the LICENSEE.
How does it work and what are the reasons for cancelling the licensing?
The licensing CONTRACT may be immediately terminated with cause, without the need to grant a deadline to the defaulting party to repair the failure, provided that the LICENSEe does not reach an NPS score higher than 50 points based on the CLIENT satisfaction criteria.
What is the start date and period of the training? What is the total duration?
Training, development, and mentoring will be cyclical and recurrent, taking into account the capacity of the independent consultants and their collective and individual needs.
The lessons will be carried out through live and recorded classes, on a learning management system.

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